Sedia non impilabile, con rivestimento cucito a mano in cuoio, cuoietto, pelle ed ecopelle, e struttura in polipropilene caricato con fibra di vetro. Disponibile nelle varianti del campionario.

Contaminazioni tra la sedia Lisbona rivestita con maestria sartoriale in cuoio, cuoietto, pelle o ecopelle e Riga, confortevole, leggera, impilabile, formalmente raffinata in ogni dettaglio. Pocci + Dondoli creano un progetto fusion.
Sophisticated and elegant, the Lisbon chair, skillfully upholstered,
pairs perfectly with any type of table. It is a non-stackable chair,
featuring hand-stitched upholstery and a structure made of glass
fiber-loaded polypropylene.
Product information

profondità 52 cm
altezza totale 80 cm
altezza seduta 46 cm





was founded by Claudio Dondoli and Marco Pocci as an industrial
design and architecture studio.
and Marco, during their study in Architecture in Florence, creates
with some friends a group of experimental theater.
their partnership, they choose to deal set of design: the interest in
theater strongly influences the setting of the new studio:
creativity, sense of reality, respect and attention for the public.
The design for Archirivolto is beauty, harmony and freedom: it cannot
be bound by strict predefined rules or exist such as a privilege of a
social and cultural elite. The designer has a duty to create a
universal beauty and bring the design to a growing number of people.
The research of materials and processes, focused to achieve maximum
results in a quality/price ratio, it’s the one of the main
activities of the studio.
design district of Archirivolto is based in the Tuscany’s heart,
the land from which they daily takes inspiration.